Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Triathetes... maybe

So as many of you know Payton has gotten into training and competing in triathlons around the area. Below is a picture of him competing in the Cornman triathlon in 2007.
This year he wasn't sure if he was going to sign up for any because of our crazy schedule and us going on our trip to Hawaii, which is around the time when many of the triathlons occur. Well it turns out he did decide to sign up. So he will officially be competing in the Cy-Man Triathlon on September 13th at Big Creek State Park.
This triathlon consists of a 500 yard swim, 14.3 mile bike ride and a 3.1 mile run all in one day. Challenging right, well he is up for the challenge and apparently he thought that I would be also.
It turns out that Payton signed me up as well. Yes wrote the check, filled out the paper work. He did the whole deal, so now I am apparently competing in the triathlon as well. And frankly I am terrified, not because of the run or the bike ride, I think I can handle those after our trip to Hawaii, but I am terrified of the swim.
Some of you know and others don't know I have a huge fear of drowning. I know, I know it seems silly considering I was on the swim team for 10+ years of my life and I now teach swimming lessons. But the thought of swimming across a lake with hundreds of other people makes me cringe. But I am going to get over that and overcome my fear.
Anyways, I am determined to overcome this fear and who knows maybe I will end up liking it. But I need to get to training, a month after Payton started. Nice he told me now. O well I'm just a little behind, right?
Anyways, if you would like to join us in this great adventure you can sign up here. Well we will keep you informed on how the training is going, or isn't going. And definitely on how we come out that day.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Shut up! You seriously cannot be afraid of drowning. If anything Payton should be worried about that (trust me, I've seen him swim).