Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Once again (Part 2)

I would have never believed there would be a part two to the ripping apart of my GPS watch, but there was. I was out working in the yard again tonight and no, I didn't let Kip in by himself but I came in and got in the shower. When I got in Kip was eating his food like a good puppy, but when I got out this is what I saw:

Now you might be thinking "What's the big deal? You have to send it back to Garmin to get it fixed anyways?" Exactly what I was thinking so I went to pick it up and this is what I saw:

If you don't see it, take a look at the picture from this post here. The colors on the GPS watches are different! Oh no! Kip somehow while I was in the shower got Alexa's GPS off of the kitchen counter and proceeded to tear into it. Hers, just like mine has fallen into the almighty hands of the Kipster. So this got me to thinking that there are many reasons why Kip may have done this, but I figured I would share the top three.

1. Kip is screaming inside, "Give me more attention!!!" because he sure gets a lot of it after he does these kinds of things.
2. Maybe Kip doesn't like us exercising! I noticed the other day that when I got my watch out and turned it on (it has a distinctive beep to it) Kip beat me to the door to set it outside.
3. Maybe he really loves to go on runs with us and this was his sign of telling us! I really doubt this one, but it could be true.

If you have any ideas on why you think he has done this twice now, let us know in the comments! Oh and by the way, I was the last one to use the watch, so I guess it was my fault once again!!! Looks like these are coming out of my paycheck!!


Andy said...

Can I report this to the FAIL blog...haha;) Why don't you just order another for me when you're ordering your other two?

Payton said...

We have actually found out that Garmin has a really good repair policy. We can get both repaired for the price of buying one new one and they come with the same warranty as a new one!

Andy said...

It's a good thing you're an engi-nerd. AND that Alexa has a lot of patience:)