Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Career Plans Part 2

I wanted to begin by thanking those who left comments on the blog or who approached me about my future career plans, it was greatly appreciated to hear what some of you had to say and I have to say, I like the sound of some of the choices people have in mind for me. So I wanted to fill you all in on what is happening in my indecisive mind as of now.

Over Christmas break, I was able to have a few good heart to heart talks with my mom. My dad was in and out on the conversations as well and Payton was around, but I don't think he understands and frankly he gets frustrated with my constant changing of decisions on this topic, so it was probably best that he missed most of them to football.

Anyways, after talking to my mom and looking into a few more options for my future I feel as though I have a better understanding of where my life should go. But ultimately that is in the Lord's hands so I don't want to make any definite decision as of now (sorry Payton).

So over Christmas break, I was really able to get down to business. I visited the University of Northern Iowa for their masters program of Community Health Education (a.k.a. Public Health). This is a program that I could see myself doing, however it does mean two more years of school, and if you know me, then you know how much I like school (not at all). But I am keeping this option open as a possibility, knowing that it would make my cousin Barry proud.

I also have checked into a program that St. Luke's Hospital offers. It is a Clinical Laboratory Science program where I would basically be working in a lab diagnosing illnesses and diseases through blood and other bodily fluids. This would only be one more year of school.

Another option is doing the Dietetics internship, which would then allow me to take the national exam to become a Registered Dietitian. This has truly been the hardest decision, wavering between whether or not to do this. I mean I have five years after school to complete it, but will I have the time or the motivation to? I guess if I'm going to do it I might as well get it done, right?

And the last decision, well it is a little bit of a secret right now. I don't want to say anything too soon because it would require a lot of resources that I just don't have yet. But hopefully in the future I will be able to have this dream job that I so desire. I will give you a hint, it combines all of my passions as well as my hobbies in life together. Exciting I know. I can't wait to give you more details on it, but hopefully it will be life changing for many!!!

Well, that is the update. I know its not much and you are all probably thinking that I am crazy. But trust me, I will figure it out. I just need to have a little faith and patience and it will all work itself out. So as of now, these are my choices and I am just going to concentrate on graduating, getting married, moving into our new home, and then worry about this. Although I don't think it will all happen that smooth as some of these decisions would have to be made before any of that arrives. So just pray that the Lord's hand will be upon me as I make these decisions with His will in mind. Thank you for being with me in this decision.

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