Friday, December 12, 2008


With finals week looming next week it has been a crazy busy time for both of us to take some time to blog. Funny how professors wait till 2 weeks before the end of the semester to assign design projects and such. We are making it through though and are excited to take a couple weeks off for Christmas break. We have a lot of things to get done over break and I hope we will be able to find time to sit down and do them.

Finals week for both of us looks a lot different. I am currently finishing up a 17 credit semester with 14 of those credits being Engineering courses. I have four finals and a project next week all spread out.

Monday: Hydraulic Systems

Wednesday: Final Design report for Hydraulics

Thursday: Engineering Measurements

Friday: Fluid Mechanics and our Control Systems take home final is due

So I will be here in Ames until Friday late morning finishing up my finals. I'm sure it will be a busy week since I have spent most of this week just finishing up other projects and homework assignments due. (Deep Breath)!

Alexa on the other hand...

She is finished with her finals on Wednesday so her mom is driving down to pick her up and take her home early. It's so lame! She definitely has a tough schedule and is going to have to put some work into the next few days, but going home Wednesday? That's not fair, maybe i'm just a little bitter. I totally would have stayed until Friday with her had my finals been done before her. Oh well, just as long as she spends part of that time continuing to experiment with cooking (especially cookies).

Life goes on. I can see the finish line from where I am now and I really wish I could sprint the rest of the way, but I feel like it is going to be a marathon semester in the spring. Especially at the end with planning the wedding, closing on our house, finishing finals and getting married all within a month I am going to be glad when it is all over and we can relax a little. I hope your life is as busy as mine because even though it can be hard at times, it sure keeps things interesting.

Alexa caught me studying, watching a video lecture so she thought it was a perfect opportunity for a picture.

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