Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The weekend that was...

Sorry for the delay in posting. We have been extremely busy and haven't had time to sit down and blog. But now that I have a minute, I thought I would share with you our crazy, but fun weekend.
So Friday night Payton and I along with about 400 other college students attended the SALT company's winter retreat in Des Moines. The speaker was very energetic and had convicting messages that cut straight to the heart. His name is Dave Johnson, he is the Pastor at The Church of the Open Door in Minneapolis. And no, the doors aren't literally always open.
Anyways, we did that Friday night, came back to Ames and drove back to Des Moines Saturday morning for another session.
Saturday night we had to be back to Ames to attended a wedding for Zach Svoboda (a Vinton native) and Amanda. It was held at a winery in Ames called Praire Moon. It was a beautiful wedding, probably one of the prettiest weddings I have ever been too. We had a lot of fun that night with some friends we went with, Andy and Sammie. Lets just say we tore up the dance floor a little bit. I know, I know hard to believe that Payton is such a dancing machine, but he can be and I do have a video to prove it (I just can't post it yet, he's a little embarrased that we got it on video).
So after all of that dancing, and two very late nights, we were quite tired when Sunday rolled around so we both took very long naps. Whoops, oo well we still managed to get our necessary studying done. Well that was the weekend that was...
I will be posting pictures soon of the wedding (aka. Payton's dance moves), so stay tuned for that.
And lastly I just wanted to congratulate Zach and Amanda again on their wedding. May your marriage be full of many blessings!

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