Tuesday, March 10, 2009

is it here yet?

Preparing for this week has reminded me a lot of my rant from finals week last semester (here). It has also reminded me of my days in the back seat of the car screaming out the hated question "Are we there yet?". This week seems to just have everything piling on top of each other and I'm hardly finding the motivation to get it done (hence the blog post about it). I've known about this midterm test that I have on Wednesday and Friday for the whole semester, but it is amazing how things like that creep up on you without warning. I keep trying to get everything else done so I can focus on the exam, but it seems like my pile of "other things" just keeps getting larger and larger. So it's time to put that all aside and focus on the exam.

On the other hand did I say I was ready for a break? Alexa and I have a lot to get done over our break. Well, to put it this way, we basically have an ENTIRE wedding to plan. We have invitations to make and address, plates and silverware to buy, people to call, menu's and reception plans to make.... the list goes on. Throw in there a bridal shower, going through our house one more time and working out the details on that. Oh and throw in there the fact that we will be trying to find some time to relax I have a feeling our break is going to go by pretty fast. So in all the flurry of trying to get everything done I'm not sure if we will have time for a blog post, but rest assured we will update you all on our happenings when we return to the land of 24hr internet service.

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