Thursday, October 30, 2008

Boys will be Boys

Note: Part one of a two part series giving you insight as to the differences between my story and Payton's about the flag football tournament.

Last night I got to experience my first flag football intramural game here at Iowa State. Of course it was the championship game of the B league (just joking guys, you are A quality) so I felt kind of obligated to go. Plus I was curious to what all of the hype was about. All of the previous games I just went about my daily business and kind of shrugged of the weirdness that Payton expressed before each game. I swear that he was at each game a half an hour before it started so he could "stretch". Yes that's right "stretch before a 30 minute flag football game. That means he warmed up just as long as the entire game took. That is one serious flag football player, although I'm sure some of his other teammates were there with him if not before.

Anyways, the championship game happened to be against the team that his two roommates were on. So you can image what all of the conversations have been about this week leading up to the game. Yes thats right, every conversation had to deal with football. What happened to us being at school to study? I guess this was more important than the assignments that were also due yesterday. Or maybe they are all in easy majors where they get to do these fun things everyday, I don't know. I wouldn't know what that is like.

Anyways, I had the privalege of video taping the football game. Who video tapes a flag football game anyways? Well apparently my soon to be husband and his roommates do. I have been told it is so they can go back and review the plays. Although that may be a little bit of a problem with my video taping skills. Sometimes I had a hard time focusing on the game when there were so many other things happening around me. That and I was using a huge video camera that was very uncomfortable to hold. Well lets just say I am no professional when it comes to taping, although I'm sure they will be very amused by the commentary that another girl and myself had during the game (Sorry Dane).

All I have to say about the actual game is that it was intense. Very intense. Sometimes I just don't understand because it is only a game. And even though it was suppose to be "flag football" there was definitely a little more contact than just pulling each others flags. Every play someone was laying on the ground. But I guess boys will be boys.

So it turns out that Payton's team won, luckily. Otherwise I would have had to deal with one grumpy guss, and that is no fun trust me! I couldn't tell you what the score was, other than it was close. I do know that Payton's team won in the last few minutes of the game, which made his day. You could tell by the scream he let out when they scored the last two-point conversion (see I do know some football ligo). I think this could possible be the happiest day of his life here at Iowa State. Now he has his Intramural championship shirt which he has been working for for the past three years (by the way, I already have two, sorry payton). Anyways, congradulations to you Payton and the rest of the team "The Flaming Tongues (this is their team name, weird).

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