Saturday, May 30, 2009

new life

Alexa was away today on a shopping trip with her sister and mom... they seem to be doing that a lot lately. This gave me another chance to pick up one of my books that I have been dying to read and when I was reading it I came across this part that really stood out to me that I thought I would share here.
The book is called Vintage Church by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears and in it they are seeking to find the original purpose for the church and help us to return to being faithful to Jesus, and fruitful to culture. The first chapter of the book was entitled What is the Christian Life? and in there Mark says this:

"Tragically, many Christians have lost the understanding of the new life of the Spirit... Rather than living out a joy-filled life flowing from their deepest desire to be like Jesus, they settle for being sinners saved by grace, obligated to do all they can to keep the law of God by duty rather than by delight."

This was particularly challenging for Alexa and I as we are now in a different culture than we have been in for the past three years, almost completely separated from the people who have been there to strengthen and hold us up. But knowing what Mark says in this quote we must live our lives by delighting in the cross and what Christ did for us and to live a life that is spirit-filled and spirit-led, rather than filling another spot in the pews in a weekend service and hoping that is enough.

Take some time and think about this quote for a minute and ask yourself..... Am I living a life that desires to be like Jesus, or am I just doing enough to hope I make it into heaven?

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