Thursday, May 14, 2009


Well at 5AM this morning when grades were released it was official, I am now an alumni of Iowa State University. I made it, barely. I had a rough semester with some tough classes that I chose to take even though the professors I had made it a little worse than it had to be. Nonetheless I am now graduated and can move on to the next chapter of my life.

Speaking of the next chapter, the wedding is this Saturday!!! Wow. I have been with Alexa now for over 8 years and we have been dreaming of this day and now it's almost here! We will be spending all morning and afternoon today setting up the church for our reception. It's a little weird to think about but it is in 2 days, but we are pretty excited.

Now the house, we have been slaving away for the past week and have gotten a ton of painting done. This place is taking a huge transformation. It's amazing what a coat of paint will do to a house. We went shopping on Monday and ended up buying a dining room table at Jeff Jones furniture in CR. I would suggest checking it out if you are in need of any furniture. We got it for about 1/2 of what it would have cost at Crate and Barrel which is where it is originally from. We were deal shopping, and we found a great one! We still have lots of boxes to unpack and things to put away but those are probably going to have to wait until after the wedding. Oh well it will give us something to do while we are here for our first week. Here is a quick before and after of our fireplace, kitchen and a picture of our table all set up in our dining room.





If your wondering about Kip, he is growing and getting naughty. Here is a picture of a toy that we bought him on Monday. Needless to say he is loving to skin the toys that we got him. He sits there and tears the hair off the animals with his front teeth, but I can't blame him he is a puppy.

I'm sure the next post that you get from us is going to involve some wedding pictures or stories, so until next time...

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