Friday, March 27, 2009

Town Hall for Hope

This semester Alexa and I have been taking Financial Peace University through a church here in Ames. This class is a video series that was done by Dave Ramsey. Some of you may have heard of him, but most of you probably haven't. Dave has a nationally syndicated radio show titled "The Dave Ramsey Show" where he takes calls on people struggling with money and helps teach them how to get back on their feet and make smart decisions with their money.

Dave's Financial Peace course has had a large impact on Alexa and I in our spending habits and our savings habits. In our class of 15 people alone we have over $500,000 of debt not including house mortgages and it has really opened us up to understanding how to use credit wisely and to even live without using credit. It's a pretty powerful thing to see. With trying to live comfortably here at school and save up for our house we have learned a lot of tips and tricks from Dave and are really excited to try out all we have learned after I start my job and we can live off our budget plan.

One really cool thing I found the other day is that Dave is hosting an online Town Hall meeting, similar to the one Barack Obama did the other day where Dave will take questions from people about the current economy and how NOT to participate in the recession that is going on right now. Check out the video below.

Pretty powerful stuff! Check out Dave's site here if you are more interested in what he does and what kinds of tips you can get from him. I would highly suggest to ANYONE that they take this course or at least pick up one of his books.

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