Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I am devoting this post to hair:
This past weekend we started going through some pictures of our childhood. (We are making a slide show of our lives for the wedding reception) Anyways, in both cases our hair has, well caused some problems.
When I was little, my hair stood straight out, kind of like there was static electricity in it at all times. Well my mom claims that she tried everything to get it to stay down and nothing worked so she just gave up. Now most of my pictures of my younger years look like this:

And this...

And this... (yes I was a good child)

And as I grew my hair eventually did lay down and look nice, although I have always had very thin and very, very straight hair (thanks to my dad).
Well now, the tables have turned. Payton is beginning to have a hair problem...
He came into the world bald...

Grew a nice head of hair...

And now it is beginning to thin...
I guess we have all had our difficulty with our hair at some point in our lives, and maybe we are going through that right now. Either way, our hair doesn't make us who we are.
And for that I just wanted to say that I will love you Payton no matter how much hair you have.

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