Sunday, May 31, 2009


We all hate traffic on the highway, but when your speaking about the internet the more traffic, the better. It means that more people are reading what you are writing and listening to what you have to say. So with the recent increase in traffic at our site due to some links from other people's blog (Thanks!) we'd like to get to know who's reading.

If you'd like just leave your name in the comments with how you heard about us or what you enjoy reading about so we can keep bringing you the entertaining and funny things that happen in our life, we would really appreciate it. If you have a question or a topic you think we should blog about just let us know!


Jackie said...

Hi Guys! Just wanted to let you know I found your blog through Angie's. You can check mine out, although it's in its infancy at

Unknown said...

Confession: My name is Angie and I am a blog stalker. lol. But I have commented on your blog before, {and placed a link from my blog to yours} so I guess that doesn't make me a stalker, does it.
I have lots of blog stalkers...those who read but never comment. I think half the people can't figure out how to set up a google account so that they can comment :)
By the way, looks like your house is coming along. Your fireplace is a big improvement from the before and after shot! Good work!